HC Deb 27 March 1911 vol 23 cc1109-11W

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many and what are the headings in the Official Import list of articles of food and drink at present imported free of duty which would be taxed if a duty were placed on all imports of foreign food?


The following is a complete list of the headings in the Official Import list, under which articles of food and drink not at present dutiable are now entered:—

(1) Aerated and mineral waters.

Animals living: (2) Oxen and bulls, (3) cows, (4) calves, (5) sheep and lambs, (6) swine, (7) butter (except milk blended), (8) butter (milk blended), (9) cheese (except margarine cheese), (10) other vegetable matter applicable to the uses of chicory or of coffee, (11) cider and perry, not containing added sugar or spirit.

Corn and grain, etc.: (12) wheat, (13) barley, (14) oats, (15) rye, (16) buckwheat, (17) peas (not fresh), other than split peas, (18) peas (not fresh) split, (19) beans (not fresh), other than haricot beans, (20) beans (not fresh), haricot, (21) lentils, (22) maize, (23) rice (other than whole and cleaned rice), (24) rice, whole and cleaned, (25) rice, mixtures of whole and broken (cleaned), (26) wheat meal and flour, (27) shredded wheat, (28) barley meal and flour, (29) barley, pearled, (30) oatmeal, (31) groats, (32) rolled oats, including Quaker Oats, (33) rye meal and flour, (34) buckwheat meal and flour, (35) rice flour (including rice ground or granulated), (36) maize meal and milled products of maize (other than offals), (37) flour and meal, unenumerated, (38) malt.

Offals, which are feeding-stuffs and contain not more than 50 per cent. of starch, namely:—(39) Bran and pollard, (40) rice meal and dust, (41) sharps and middlings, (42) unenumerated offals, (43) arrowroot, (44) cassava powder and tapioca, (45) macaroni, (46) mandioca or tapioca flour, (47) sago and sago meal and flour, (48) semolina, (49) other farinaceous preparations (except starch, dextrine, farina, and potato flour), (50) eggs.

Fish (including turtle); fresh fish (not of British taking):—(51) Herrings, (52) unenumerated.

Shell fish:—(53) oysters, for food, (54) unenumerated.

Cured or salted fish:—Canned, (55) sardines, (56) salmon, (57) lobsters, (58) unenumerated, (59) not canned—all sorts.

Fruit, not liable to duty:—(60) apples, raw, (61) apricots and poaches, raw, (62) bananas, raw, (63) cherries, raw, (64) currants, raw, (65) gooseberries, raw, (66) grapes, raw, (67) lemons, limes and citrons.

Nuts:—(68) almonds, (69) other nuts, used as fruit, (70) oranges, (71) pears, raw, (72) plums, raw, (73) strawberries, raw, (74) unenumerated, raw.

Dried:—(75) dates, (76) unenumerated.

Fruit:—preserved without sugar (other than fruit liable to duty as such):—(77) canned and bottled, (78) other than canned or bottled.

Fruit juice made from fruit not liable to duty as such, unfermented, not containing added spirit or added sweetening matter:—(79) grape juice or must, (80) lime and lemon juice, (81) unenumerated, (82) honey, (83) hops, (84) isinglass, (85) lard, (86) lard imitation, (87) licorice, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, (88) margarine, that is to say, any article mixed with butter or not, which resembles butter and is not milk-blended butter, (89) margarine cheese.

Meat (except poultry and game):—(90) bacon.

Beef, fresh and refrigerated:—(91) fresh, (92) chilled, (93) frozen, (94) beef, salted, (95) hams.

Mutton, fresh and refrigerated:—(96) fresh, (97) chilled, (98) frozen.

Pork, fresh and refrigerated:—(99) fresh, (100) chilled, (101) frozen, (102) pork, salted (other than bacon and hams).

Rabbits (dead), fresh and refrigerated:—(103) fresh, (104) chilled, (105) frozen.

Unenumerated, fresh and refrigerated:—(108) fresh, (107) chilled, (108) frozen, (109) unenumerated, salted.

Preserved, otherwise than by salting (including tinned and canned):—(110) beef, (111) mutton, (112) other sorts.

Milk:—(113) fresh (in cans or churns), (114) cream, (115) condensed, not sweetened, (116) milk powder, not sweetened; preserved, other kinds, not sweetened; (117) (including impoverished, humanised, peptonised, and sterilised milk).

Oil:—(118) coconut, refined, (119) olive, refined, (120) palm, refined, (121) seed, refined, (122) oleo-margarine or oleo oil and refined tallow, (123) pickles and vegetables preserved in salt or vinegar.

Poultry and game (alive or dead):—(124) poultry, (125) game, (126) salt, rock and white, except table salt, (127) sauces or condiments, unenumerated, not sweetened (including table salt).

Spices, not containing sweetening matter:—(128) cinnamon, (129) ginger, (130) pepper, (131) unenumerated, (132) vegetables, dried, (133) vegetables, preserved by canning, with no sweetening matter.

Vegetables, raw:—(134) onions, (135) potatoes, (136) tomatoes, (137) unenumerated, (138) vinegar and acetic acid for table use, (139) yeast.