HC Deb 23 March 1911 vol 23 c781W

asked the President of the Local Government Board, if he will say what are the principal diseases in respect of which aliens are ejected under the Aliens Act; how many have been refused admission into England in 1909 and 1910 by the medical officer; and what number were rejected under each of the specified diseases?


Leave to land under the Aliens Act is refused, not by the medical inspector, but by the Immigration Officer, who, in medical cases, is guided by the certificate signed by the medical inspector. An immigrant must be refused to land "if he is a lunatic or an idiot, or owing to any disease or infirmity appears likely to become a charge upon the rates or otherwise a detriment to the public." During 1909 leave to land was finally refused under the foregoing provision in 417 cases, and during 1910 the number of cases was 206—a total of 623 for the two years. The particular grounds of objections may be thus classified:—

—— 1909. 1910. Total.
Trachoma 238 61 299
Other eye diseases 25 25
Venereal diseases 57 33 90
Skin and scalp diseases 23 2 25
Lunacy or idiocy 4 1 5
Tubercular diseases 3 5 8
Miscellaneous diseases 5 5 10
Infirmities likely to lead to chargeability (including cardiac disease, deformity, senile decay, paralysis, etc.) 87 74 161