HC Deb 20 March 1911 vol 23 c182W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the number of licences in the tobacco trade issued in the years 1907–8, 1908–9, and 1909–10; whether 7,000 of those who formerly held licences were, in the last year, forced out of business by the increased duties; whether the number of manufacturers forced out of business was twenty-six in the year 1909–10, and what proportion that number bears to the total number thus engaged; and what has been the total effect of the new duties upon the various branches of the tobacco trade?


The number of tobacco licences issued during the three years in question was as follows:—

Manufacturers. Dealers.
1907–8 415 386,260
1908–9 407 390,437
1909–10 383 383,700

Dealers' licences have decreased by 6,737, less than 2 per cent., in 1909–10, as compared with the previous year; on the other hand, in the last quarter of 1910–11, for which figures are available, they have increased by about 5,000, as compared with the corresponding quarter of 1909–10. The decrease in the number of manufacturers' licences for 1909–10, amounting to 6 per cent., is very slightly in excess of the normal annual decrease which has been going on for some years. I cannot say how far the new duties are responsible for the decrease in 1909–10, nor can I within the limits of an answer discuss the total effect of the new duties on the various branches of the trade.