HC Deb 16 March 1911 vol 22 c2591W

asked the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the inconvenience caused to the residents of Ealing in consequence of the decision to close the Ealing post office at 9 p.m.; whether this curtailment of postal and telegraphic facilities in a neighbourhood which has doubled its population during recent years is due to the fact that by closing at 9 p.m. the office can be worked entirely by female labour; and whether, before taking further definite steps in this matter, he will consult the local authorities on the subject and inform them of the reasons for the suggested alteration?


The decision to close the Ealing Branch Office at 9 p.m. instead of 10 p.m. was based upon the small amount of work transacted between those hours, as ascertained by special returns taken at different periods, and was not determined by questions of staff. Other offices of equal importance in the vicinity of London are closed at 9 p.m., and when the inhabitants of Ealing become accustomed to the change they will not, I think, experience any real inconvenience. I have received a representation on the subject from the Ealing Town Council, and I will inform them of the reasons for the alteration.