HC Deb 16 March 1911 vol 22 c2572W

asked what was the original amount of the bequest to the town of Newmarket by the Aldworth family; how much of it has been paid out; by whose authority and for what purpose; if any of this money is invested in the Newmarket Loan Fund Society; what is the capital; and who are the directors of this society?


I understand the original amount of the bequest was £1,000. Of this £750 was paid out by order of the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests, dated 23rd November, 1841; £350 towards the erection of a market house, and £400 for the establishment of a loan fund. On 31st December, 1910, the working capital of the Loan Fund was £434 18s. The trustees of the Fund are Major John Aldworth, Lady Mary Aldworth and Rev. F. H. Allen. The managing committee are the Hon. Horace Lysaght, Messrs. D. P. Humphreys and W. R. Verling, and the three trustees above-named.