HC Deb 13 March 1911 vol 22 c2006W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Board of Works are in receipt of memorials from the people of Termon and Glin, county Donegal, praying for the construction of a passenger and goods station at Barnesgap granite quarry on the Letterkenny and Burtonport Railway; and whether the Board is willing to co-operate with the railway company in constructing the required accommodation?


The memorials referred to were received by the Board of Works direct from the hon. Member on the 4th inst., but the Londonderry and Lough Swilly Company, who work the Burtonport Railway, are the proper persons to whom they should have been sent. The memorials have now been forwarded by the Board to the company for their observations.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland what assistance the Board of Works are prepared to give towards the erection of a new station on the Burtonport Extension Railway between Crolly Bridge and Dungloe Road; and at what date the work is intended to be begun?


I beg to refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave him on 11th April, 1910. The commencement of the work rests with the working company, who have not yet forwarded plans for the station for the approval of the Board of Works.