HC Deb 13 March 1911 vol 22 cc2012-3W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he can state the names of the Irish ports at which portal veterinary inspectors are employed, the number of days in each week on which they perform their duties, and the average hours of attendance per day?


The following Tables give the desired particulars in regard to recorded attendances at the Ports. Sunday attendances, necessary in many cases. are not included. At some of the ports referred to the Portal Veterinary Inspector, apart from his ordinary work of examining livestock entering or leaving the Port, is required to visit and examine the carcases of any animals washed ashore in his district. This duty, which is especially frequent at Cork Port, where it often necessitates absence from home and station overnight, and the further duty of inspecting swine and cattle lairs in the vicinity of the Port, are usually performed outside the recorded hours of attendance.

I.—Ports at which Regular Inspectors of the Department are stationed.
Name of Port. Number of Inspectors. Number of days duty per week Av'age hours of attendance perday
Belfast 3 6 9
Cork 2 5 3
Dublin 8 6 9
Waterford 2 6 7
*Drogheda 1 2 4
*Dundalk 1 4 7
Greenore 1 6 2
Larne 1 6 4
Londonderry 1 6 9
*Newry 1 5 4
II.—Ports at which Local Veterinary Surgeons act as Portal Veterinary Inspectors.
Coleraine 1 2 2
Portrush 1 1
Ballina and Westport 1 5 (a fortnight) 3
Sligo 1 3 2
Wexford and Rosslare 1 3 3
Milford 1 3 2
Mulroy 1 5
Limerick 1 Employed as occasion arises and paid a fee for each day employed.
Dundrum 1
* In these cases the Portal Veterinary Inspector is employed in dealing with reported outbreaks of contagious animal disease, in the inspection of cattle and swine lairs, and in other work outside the portal inspection work proper of thee Port.