HC Deb 03 March 1911 vol 22 cc797-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade, if he will furnish, in addition to the figures already supplied relating to Home consumption, a statement of the estimated quantity exported of the wheat and wheat-flour, in equivalent of grain, grown in the United Kingdom during the year 1910, so as to make possible a calculation of the estimated cost of a bounty of 2s. a quarter on home-grown wheat and wheat-flour, both consumed in the United Kingdom and exported, and of Is. a quarter on British-grown imported wheat and wheat-flour consumed in the United Kingdom only, on the basis of the actual consumption for 1910, and on the basis of the home-grown supply doubled as a result of the bounty, and of three-fourths of the balance of the total consumption coming from British Possessions?


It is not possible to state how much of the wheat grown in 1910 was exported, but the exports in that year of wheat, the produce of the United Kingdom, reached 149,600 quarters. This figure was, however, exceptional, the exports in 1909 having only been 54,900 quarters. Exports of flour milled in the United Kingdom are classed as of United Kingdom manufacture, irrespective of the origin of the wheat, and no information is available with regard to the quantity of wheat grown in this country which left the United Kingdom in the form of flour. The total exports of flour of United Kingdom manufacture exported in 1910 were equivalent to 410,900 quarters of wheat, and in 1909 to 442,500 quarters.