HC Deb 02 March 1911 vol 22 cc701-2W

asked the Secretary for War the average number of horseshoes used per week in the Army during the South African war; the number of machine-made horse-shoes supplied respectively by this country and by America during the same period: and the numbers of hand-made horse-shoes supplied by this country to supplement the above?


There are no records of the weekly consumption of horse and mule shoes during the South African War, but the shipments to South Africa amounted to 3,772,352 pairs, besides large though unrecorded numbers taken by the units as part of their equipment. The number obtained from firms in the United Kingdom was 2,443,873 pairs, and from the United States 2,059,834 pairs. Either machine-made or hand-made shoes were accepted, and there is no record as to the proportion of each.