HC Deb 26 June 1911 vol 27 c364W

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that the Chief Commissioner of Police has issued new instructions relating to the medical examination of men wishing to act as drivers of taxi-cabs, etc.; if he is aware that the circular has caused dissatisfaction amongst the men now engaged in that industry, who will require to renew their licences on 1st July or soon after; and whether, in order that the organised workers' views may be stated to him, he will receive a small deputation from the trade unions representing the men and discuss the matter with them?


I am not aware that this regulation, which was made in the interests of the public and of the cabdrivers alike, has caused any dissatisfaction amongst the men engaged in this industry. The Commissioner has not, I believe, received any communication to this effect; but he would, of course, be ready to receive and consider any representations from the union.