HC Deb 02 June 1911 vol 26 cc1436-7W

asked the Postmaster-General if he will inquire into the reasons for the dissatisfaction among the staff of the head telegraph office at Liverpool owing to the alleged favouritism of the chief and his partiality to men who are not connected with the association, and especially will he inquire into the circumstances attending the recent promotion of No. 66 on the seniority list over the heads of equally qualified men Who are active members of the association?


The recommendations of the postmaster of Liverpool for promotion are, like all similar recommendations, thoroughly reviewed at headquarters, and into many of them I make personal investigation. I am satis- fled that they are made without favouritism or partiality, and especially that prominence in the work of an association of Post Office servants is not regarded as a disqualification for advancement. I am acquainted with the circumstances of the particular case referred to, and I assure the hon. Member that the officer selected was the best and most useful of the candidates.