HC Deb 01 June 1911 vol 26 c1344W

asked whether, having regard to the number of evicted tenants' claims still undecided, the Evicted Tenants Act will be included in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill; and whether the Lord Lieutenant will issue instructions to the Estates Commissioners, under the Purchase Act of 1903, to pay special atttention to the claims of evicted tenants rejected in consequence of legal technicalities, with a view to compensating them either by a pecuniary gratuity or by providing them with farms out of such untenanted lands on the Estates Commissioners' hands as may be available?


The Estates Commissioners are endeavouring to provide for the persons noted as suitable for reinstatement as rapidly as possible on untenanted land acquired by them under the Land Acts of 1903–9 and the Evicted Tenants Acts. The question of including the Evicted Tenants Act in the Expiring Laws Continuance Bill will be considered in due course. It would not be desirable to reopen the cases which the Commissioners have already considered and rejected.