HC Deb 24 July 1911 vol 28 c1491W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to the nuisance created by the splashing of mud by motor omnibuses, particularly in narrow thoroughfares with heavy traffic; whether he is aware that applications have been made by the Shoreditch Borough Council to the Commissioner of Police asking him to insist upon some form of mudguard being attached to motor omnibuses to prevent this nuisance, and that the Commissioner has refused to make such regulations; and whether he can see his way to do something to prevent this nuisance which, in a number of thoroughfares in Shoreditch, is resulting in properties becoming empty, with consequent loss of rates to the borough?


I wrote recently to the Shoreditch Borough Council explaining that this matter was engaging the attention of the Commissioner of Police, and that the reason he had not made the regulation referred to was that, in spite of inquiry, inspection, and actual trials, no mudguard had been found which did not entail serious disadvantages and dangers. I cannot ask the Commissioner to enforce the use of special mudguards till a suitable type is invented. I may add that if the road surfaces were improved it would effect considerable abatement of the nuisance; and this is a matter in the hands of the local authorities.