HC Deb 18 July 1911 vol 28 cc1007-8W

asked the Postmaster-General whether Bernard Heaney, who was rural postman at Cadamstown, Birr, King's County, was dismissed in April last because of certain charges being made against him by the Post Office authorities; on what grounds was he dismissed, and, after his dismissal, on what grounds did the Post Office authorities refuse to give him a reference; and whether, in view of the circumstances of the case, will the whole matter be inquired into and the man reinstated in his old position, or will he at least get the reference which he asks for?


Bernard Heaney was dismissed for posting bogus letters in order to make his duty appear to be heavier than it really was and so bring about an increase of pay. As he admits the offence there is no need for further enquiry. He cannot be reinstated. He will be supplied with a "reference," in which, of course, it will be necessary to state the circumstances in which his services were dispensed with.