HC Deb 13 July 1911 vol 28 c630W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been called to the proposal to abolish the petty sessions district of Lack, county Fermanagh, and have the petty sessions court at Kesh or Ederney; have any steps been taken to consult the wishes of the people of the eighty-three townlands in the petty sessions district; is the change supported on the ground that it inconveniences justices, none of whom reside in Lack petty sessions district; and could this objection be obviated by the appointment of some suitable persons resident in the district?


My attention has not been called to this proposal. The alteration of petty sessions districts in Ireland is vested by statute in the hands of the magistrates at quarter sessions. There is no power to direct that magistrates shall adopt any particular course in revising petty sessions districts.