HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 cc2216-7W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will state, in tabular form, the value of goods from the United Kingdom imported into each of the self-governing dominions in the last three years available; the amount of duty levied on those goods in each of these years by each of the dominions; and the value of goods imported from these dominions into the United Kingdom, with the amount of the duties levied on them by the United Kingdom in each of those years?


The following statement shows the value of merchandise imported from the United Kingdom into each of the self-governing Dominions in each of the years 1907–9 and the value of the merchandise imported into the United Kingdom from those Dominions in the same years:—

Self-governing Dominions. Value of Merchandise Imported from the United Kingdom into the Dominions. Value of Merchandise Imported into the United Kingdom from the Dominions.
1907. 1908. 1909. 1907. 1908. 1909.
£ £ £ £ £ £
Commonwealth of Australia 31,509,000 29,703,000 31,130,000 33,832,000 29,070,000 32,646,000
Dominion of New Zealand. 10,278,000 10,442,000 9,181,000 17,788,000 14,664,000 17,731,000
British South Africa 16,094,000* 14,410,000* 16,705,000* 8,656,000§ 7,464,000§ 9,940,000§
Newfoundland 548,000† 538,000† 492,000† 330,000 330,000 325,000
Dominion of Canada 19,592,000‡ 14,503,000‡ 19,665,000‡ 25,467,000 24,463,000 25,223,000
* Imports of United Kingdom produce into British South Africa, including imports into those parts of British South Africa which are not within the "Union of South Africa."
† For the twelve months ended 30th June of the year" stated.
‡ For the twelve months ended 31st March of the years following those stated.
§ Exclusive of the value of Diamonds, which is not recorded on importation into the United Kingdom. The value of the exports of Diamonds from South-Africa to the United Kingdom in 1909 was about £600,000.

The amount of duty levied on goods imported from a particular source cannot be stated either for the United Kingdom or the Dominions, except in the case of the Dominion of Canada. The amount of duty levied in Canada on imports from the United Kingdom was as follows:—

Year beginning 1st April, 1907 £3,549,000
Year beginning 1st April, 1908 £2,765,000
Year beginning 1st April, 1909 £3,707,000