HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 cc2210-1W

asked whether any, and, if so, how many, licensed publicans have been appointed to the Commission of the Peace for Mayo county within the past three years; whether he will give their names; if any of them were on appointment required to undertake to give up their licencas; how many have since done so; did they in each or any case do so by assigning the licence to a wife, son, or other relation; and whether they are authorised to act at petty sessions in the districts where their public-houses are respectively situated?


I understand that five persons who held a licence were appointed by the Lord Chancellor to the Commission of the Peace for county Mayo within the period mentioned. No useful object would be served by giving their names. In each case the Lord Chancellor required as a condition of the appointment that there should be a transfer of the licence. One of the magistrates has since transferred his licence to his son. These Justices have not been restricted from acting at petty Sessions in the districts in which the licensed premises are situated.