HC Deb 23 February 1911 vol 21 c2206W

asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether, in view of the difficulties now experienced by employees in the public services desiring to appeal against accusations made under the cover of secret or confidential reports, he will consider the expediency of amending the present procedure by allowing appeals to a committee of His Majesty's Privy Council, or to a special board appointed by the Lords of the Treasury, consisting of King's Counsel familiar with the practice of criminal tribunals and of the rules of evidence?


I must refer the hon. Member to a reply which I gave to a similar question put by him oh the 25th April last, in which I said that I was not aware that any substantial difficulty was experienced by Civil servants in obtaining full consideration from the heads of their Departments for any representations which they desired to make and that the procedure suggested by the hon. Member did not commend itself to my judgment as either desirable or practicable. I see no grounds for modifying the opinion then expressed.