HC Deb 22 February 1911 vol 21 cc2043-4W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, with reference to the statement in the last Report of the Board of Inland Revenue that the number of assessments under Schedule E of the Income Tax in respect of the salaries, etc., of Government officials in Ireland for 1908–9 was 4,397, whether he would indicate the Parliamentary votes, other than the votes for Irish Public Departments, for which provision was made in the Civil Service Estimates, from which such salaries, etc., were defrayed?


The under-mentioned assessments are in respect of payments out of sources other than the votes for the Irish Public Departments, for which provision was made in the Civil Service Estimates:—

Number of Assessments.
(a) Paymaster-General's Department, Dublin:—
Consolidated Fund 117
Treasury, etc., 11
Temporary Commissions 5
Miscellaneous Expenses 2
Superannuations 202
(b) Irish Lights Commission 23
(c) Dublin Port and Docks Board 26
(d) Representative Body of the Church of Ireland 1622
(e) Bank of Ireland 341
(f) Registry of Petty Sessions Clerk 178
(b) (c) (d) and (e) are not Government Departments, and the payments assessed at the Petty Sessions Office are not paid out of voted moneys. I should, perhaps, explain that the statistical heading, "Government Officials" is a short title under which are placed over 88,000 assessments in all, the vast majority of which are made upon Government officials.