HC Deb 20 February 1911 vol 21 cc1699-700W

asked the Home Secretary what was the number of aliens arriving in ships carrying five or less alien passengers who landed at non-immigration ports in 1910; and what was the number arriving in ships carrying more than five and less than twenty-one alien passengers who landed at immigration and non-immigration ports respectively during 1910?


I regret that the information desired cannot be furnished without a special analysis of papers involving the expenditure of much time and labour, which I do not feel justified in instituting.


asked the Home Secretary if he could state upon what basis the number of alien cabin passengers landing at Liverpool is calculated in the Return (Cd. 5310), seeing that the numbers for the months of May and June, 1910, when the American tourist season is at its height, for the port of Liverpool are given as only 45 and 26 respectively?


The figures quoted are the number of alien cabin passengers landed at Liverpool from ports in Europe and the Mediterranean only. This appears clearly in the title of the return and in the head of the table.