HC Deb 15 February 1911 vol 21 cc1184-5W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he would state the number of persons in Irish workhouses who became qualified to receive old age pensions on the 1st January last; the number of such persons who have received pensions; and the number, if any, who have relinquished them and returned to the workhouses?


According to the figures supplied to the local Government Board by the Clerks of the several Unions, the number of paupers in the workhouses in Ireland at the end of last year who were over seventy years of age was 7,670, and of these 2,024 were awarded old age pensions by the committees. Appeals, however, against these awards have been lodged in some cases and in others the claimants have returned to the workhouses, but the Board are not in a position to state the exact number.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is able to state the total amount which boards of guardians in Ireland will be required to pay in the current financial year towards the cost of old age pensions granted since the 1st January to persons who were previously disqualified through having received Poor Law relief?


I must ask the hon. Member to await the proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer.