HC Deb 15 February 1911 vol 21 cc1188-9W

asked the Chief Secretary what effect it was intended to give to the recommendations of the Departmental Committee on the Irish Flax-growing Industry which has recently issued its report; whether the Department of Agriculture proposes to carry out experiments on the lines indicated by it, and can he outline any measures which it may take for the revival of flax-growing in those districts where the industry is now almost extinct; how far will it encourage and aid co-operation amongst flax-growers and the establishment of societies for the promotion and protection of their interests; and will it seek any fresh powers for the purpose of enabling it to deal adequately with the various suggestions of the Departmental Committee for the development of flax-growing in the different parts of Ireland which experience has shown to be well suited for the cultivation of this industry?


The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland have only just received the Report of the Departmental Committee on the Flax Growing Industry in Ireland, and until they have had an opportunity of giving very careful consideration to the several important recommendations made by that Committee they will not be in a position to determine to what extent they will take action thereon.