HC Deb 08 February 1911 vol 21 c407W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he had received a copy of a resolution passed at the public meeting of the city of Dublin Distress Committee; whether it is the intention of the Government, in view of the exceptional want of employment and consequent distress in Dublin City, to give an immediate grant to the distress committee to enable them to meet adequately the demands made upon them; whether he was aware that the grants given to Ireland are not proportionate in amount or ratio to those granted in Great Britain; and whether equality of grants in proportion to the distress existing in the various centres will in future be observed?


I have received a copy of the resolution referred to. An additional grant of £500 was made to the Dublin Distress Committee three days ago, making £2,550 in all given to the funds to this committee up to date. The hon. Member must recollect that the sum available this year is very limited, being only one-half of that voted in 1909–10. It is not intended that the chronic distress and unemployment of a great city should be met by this fund. Section 13 of the Local Government Act, 1898, enables the guardians and the Corporation to raise ample funds for providing relief and work for this class if they are satisfied that there is exceptional distress. I am not in a position to say that the grants given to Ireland are not proportionate to those granted in Great Britain, but in any case this is not a matter within my control.