HC Deb 13 December 1911 vol 32 c2489W

asked the Postmaster-General (1) whether he is aware that for telegraphic purposes twenty-five is charged as one word and twenty five as two words; and will he explain upon what principle such difference is based; (2) whether he is aware that for telegraphic purpose Herne Bay is charged as one word and Herne Hill as two words; and will he state upon what principle such difference is based; (3) whether he is aware that for telegraphic purposes New Brighton is charged as one word and New Broughton as two words; and will he explain upon what principle such difference is based; and (4) whether he can see his way to a revision being undertaken of the system under which two words in conjunction are charged as one word for telegraphic purposes, with a view to the removal of inequalities at present existing?


I will consider whether it is possible to improve the present rules relating to the counting of words for telegraphic purposes, but it is matter of no small difficulty to draw a line between the expressions in addresses which are to be counted as one word and those to be counted as two.