HC Deb 11 December 1911 vol 32 cc2110-1W

asked the Postmaster-General whether a petition was received by the secretary, General Post Office, Dublin, from the residents of Dungloe, county Donegal, in September, 1910, headed by the signatures of the parish priest and the business men of the town, requesting that the mails should be permanently conveyed by the Burtonport mail train to Dungloe Road Station, three miles distant, instead of as at present by the Glenties train to Fintown Station, twelve miles distant over a hilly road; whether he is aware that the mail car from Dungloe to Fintown has been unable on several occasions to complete its journey owing to floods, etc., thus causing inconvenience by the delay; whether he is aware that Burtonport, which was formerly served from Strabane, viâ Tintown, has now two outgoing and two incoming mails each day, giving from twelve to twenty hours' quicker service in home correspondence, and up to forty-eight hours' quicker service in cross-channel correspondence than Dungloe obtains; and whether, with a view to a more economical and satisfactory service, he will have Dungloe connected in the same way as Burtonport, thus securing the same postal facilities?


The petition was duly received. It was found, however, that the change asked for would have resulted in an inferior service at a large increase of expense, and this was explained to the petitioners by the postmaster of Letterkenny. I will have further inquiry made into the possibility effecting any improvement in the Dungloe services and communicate the result to the hon. Member.