HC Deb 22 August 1911 vol 29 c2383W

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that five women were recently charged at Grays Police Court before two justices with stealing onions from a field at Barking, the total value of the onions being stated at 1s. 6d., and were each sentenced to one month's imprisonment with hard labour; and, seeing that this sentence was passed on the prisoners, although the superintendent of police stated that nothing was known against the women, and in view of the character of the charge, will he inquire into the cases and remit the remainder of the sentences?


I made inquiry in this case. It appears that the thefts in which these women were concerned were systematic and extensive. The magistrate at first imposed a sentence of a month on each of the offenders: but immediately afterwards, in consideration of their previous character and other circumstances, reduced it to fourteen days. In view of these facts, I did not feel that I could advise further reduction of the sentence The women have now been released on expiration of the reduced term.