HC Deb 04 August 1911 vol 29 c770W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War who is responsible for the names and addresses of persons entitled to separation allowances being kept up to date; and how soon after Reservists, Special Reservists, or Territorials have been called up on mobilisation will the first instalments of separation allowances be paid?

Colonel SEELY

For Regular Reservists and category "A" of the Special Reserve, the officers in charge of records are responsible for this duty; for Royal Field Artillery Special Reservists officers commanding training brigades, and for other Special Reservists and for the Territorial Force the officers commanding the units to which the men belong are responsible. The allowance is issuable at once on mobilisation from the date on which the men come on pay to the last day of the month, and thereafter monthly in advance on the 1st of the month.