HC Deb 26 April 1911 vol 24 cc1928-30W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the Estates Commissioners received an application from Widow Sammon, of Carrowkennedy, West- port, county Mayo, to be reinstated in a holding from which she, with her young family, was evicted by the Marquis of Sligo twelve or thirteen years ago, or to be provided with a suitable holding in lieu of the one from which she was evicted; and can he state what steps the Commissioners have taken, or proposes to take, regarding her application?


I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave on the 15th March to the question on this subject addressed to me by the hon. Member for Cork City.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that James McGoing, now of Ballinamorroge, Islandeady, who was evicted from his holding of land at Arderry, Aughagover, Westport, county Mayo, by the Marquis of Sligo, in 1886, applied to the Estates Commissioners Ior reinstatement, or for a holding in lieu of the one from which he was evicted; that his case was investigated by an inspector of the Commissioners so far back as 1906; that the inspector, Mr. Thomas Barrett, reported favourably upon the application and can he state why no steps have since been taken by the Commissioners to provide McGoing with a holding?


The Estates Commissioners received an application from James McGoing for reinstatement in a holding which he stated was formerly occupied by his mother and himself on the estate of the Marquis of Sligo. His name was provisionally noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land acquired by the Commissioners, but on further inquiry the Commissioners decided to take no action in the matter.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Ellen O'Calla-ghan, who, with her young family, was evicted from her holding at Drimdoo, Carra, county Mayo, in 1885, by her landlord, Mr. Walter Joyce, has recently applied to the Estates Commissioners for a holding, which was refused on the ground that her application was not received within the prescribed time; and whether, having regard to the fact that this illiterate woman with her family had to emigrate to Scotland after the eviction, and that she resided there since, and had no knowledge of the provision as to the period within which such applications should be made, the Estates Commissioners may be induced to consider her claim on its merits?


Mrs. O'Callaghan's application for reinstatement in a holding on the Joyce estate, county Mayo, formerly occupied by her mother, was not lodged within the period limited by the Evicted Tenants Act, 1907, and the Estates Commissioners have no power to deal with it under that Act. If the Estate on which her mother's former holding is situate comes before the Commissioners for sale under the Land Purchase Acts they will inquire into the application.