HC Deb 24 April 1911 vol 24 c1562W

asked the Lord Advocate, in view of the regulations proposed under the minute of the Committee of Council on Education in Scotland, will the Scottish Education Department again consider the expediency of appointing a certificated male teacher to the Grimshader public school, island of Lewis, to meet the requirements of the fifty-five pupils attending the school?


I would point out to the hon. Member, in reply, that the responsibility for the appointment of a sufficient and properly qualified staff for any school rests with the School Board of the district, not with the Department. The Department has no power to direct appointment.


asked the Lord Advocate whether he was aware that the school boards of Barvas, Lochs, and Uig, island of Lewis, incur no expenditure for heating the twenty-eight public schools under their control, but depend entirely on the pupils to carry peats to school; and would he state whether there are any other school boards in Scotland who depend on the children attending school to carry with them to school the fuel required for heating purposes?


I am aware of the fact mentioned with regard to the school boards of Barvas, Lochs, and Uig. As the heating of schools is a matter of internal administration, for which the respective school boards are alone responsible, I am not able to state whether there are any other boards in Scotland who adopt the same plan as the boards in question.