HC Deb 10 April 1911 vol 24 cc183-90W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware of the impatience expressed through many public channels in West Clare with regard to the protracted delays that have occurred in the administration of the Land Act of 1909; and whether the provisions for compulsory sale will be put into operation without delay in the case of every landlord who has not up to the present shown a disposition to facilitate the Land Act by concluding reasonable agreements with the tenants?


There is no just ground of complaint with regard to the administration of the Act in county Clare. The Congested Districts Board have made offers for fourteen estates comprising 8,980 acres, valued at £59,000. It would be quite impossible to put into operation at once compulsory powers in regard to a number of estates even if it were desirable to do so.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the Congested Districts Board have yet arranged for the purchase of the Miss Nicholson estate, situated in the electoral division of Cloonacool, rural district of Tubbercurry, county Sligo; and, if so, whether the untenanted grazing farm on the estate will be utilised for the enlargement of the small holdings surrounding it?


This estate is being dealt with by the Estates Commissioners. Formal proceedings for the sale to the Estates Commissioners of 150 acres of tenanted and 60 acres of untenanted land on the estate of Agnes M. Nicholson, county Sligo, have been instituted by the owner, but the estate has not yet been reached in order of priority. When so reached the question of the distribution of the untenanted land will be considered by the Estates Commissioners.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the land from which Patrick Fleming was evicted at Carrigeen, Mr. Frank Bennett, Creggane, Roscarbery, landlord, has been for many years derelict and on the owner's hands, and that some two years ago the Estates Commissioners caused this land to be valued with the object of reinstating the evicted tenant; and if the Commissioners can hold out any hope that Patrick Fleming will be put back on his old holding at an early date?


The Estates Commissioners had a preliminary inspection made of Fleming's former holding, and informed the owner of their estimated price which they would be prepared to advance if formal proceedings for sale of the holding to the Commissioners were instituted by him, but the owner has not instituted such proceedings up to the present. Fleming's name has been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land acquired by the Commissioners.


asked whether the Duke estate, comprising the townlands of Branchfield, Clooneen, Cloonburg, Doomone, and Kilmorgan, situate in the parish of Ballymote, union of Sligo, has been offered for sale to the Congested Districts Board; and, if so, with what results?


The lands mentioned have not been offered to the Congested Districts Board. Untenanted lands at Killaraght have been offered by the same owner to the Board and they have invited him to offer to sell to them the tenanted lands referred to in the question.


asked the Chief Secretary whether the lands of Lugacatha and Ballinvogher, parish of Ballymote, barony of Corran, and county Sligo, were offered for sale over eighteen months ago to the Estates Commissioners by the landlord, Mr. A. J. Creighton, J. P.; and, if so, whether he can state what steps, if any, are being taken to have this sale completed?


The Estates Commissioners are unable to identify the lands referred to as being the subject of proceedings for sale before them under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board has entered into negotiations with the owner of the Murphy estate, situated in Castleplunkett, county Roscommon, and if these negotiations have proved abortive; whether, in view of the fact that upon the estate there is a number of occupiers of uneconomic holdings and at the same time a large amount of untenanted land, and that, the surrounding estates having been secured by the Board, improvement works carried out in the district will add to the value of Mr. Murphy's interest in his estate, the Congested Districts Board will without delay take the necessary steps to secure the compulsory acquisition of this estate?


Negotiations have been proceeding for some time between Mr. Murphy's agent and the Congested Districts Board with reference to the purchase of the lands referred to. The owner has recently offered to sell to the Board the "Castle Farm," which forms portion of the estate, and he has signified his intention of offering the remainder of the lands—tenanted and untenanted—about the end of this year. The Board do not at present contemplate taking any steps to acquire the estate compulsorily.


asked whether representations were made to the Congested Districts Board, immediately after the present Board was formed, requesting that body to open up negotiations with the owner of the Hughes estate, in the parish of Ballytubber, county Roscommon; and whether such negotiations were opened up, and, if so, what is the result?


Representations were made to the Congested Districts Board, as stated in the question. The Board at the time informed the owner that they would be willing to enter into negotiations for the sale of the estate, but no offer has been made by him. The Board are asking him definitely whether he will agree to negotiate for the sale of the lands.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware of any negotiations for the sale of the Massey estate, situate at Ballylin, Ardagh, county Limerick; have the Estates Commissioners been approached in regard to its purchase; if so, by whom; and can he state who is the present owner of the estate, entitled to demand rent and to enter into a purchase arrangement?


The Estates Commissioners had a preliminary inspection made of these lands and communicated to the owner's solicitors their estimate of the price they would advance if formal proceedings for sale were instituted before them under the Land Purchase Acts. A number of applications have been received by the Commissioners from people in the locality asking for allotments on the untenanted land, but no formal proceedings have yet been instituted by the owner for the sale of the lands. The Commissioners have no knowledge of the title under which the lands are held.


asked whether the holding consisted of the former evicted holdings of Messrs. John Power and John Sullivan has been vested in Mr. Mills W. Purcell, on the estate of Eliza Williams, county Water-ford; what is the entire area of the holding; what was the former rent; what is the amount of the advance made by the Estates Commissioners, and the present annuity; whether, as Mr. Purcell expressed his willingness to accept £200 for his interest in the lands, the Estates Commissioners will offer the same to him, if they consider such amount reasonable, in order to enable them to reinstate Mr. John Power and the representatives of John Sullivan; and whether, with a view to deciding on the reasonableness of Mr. Purcell's demand, they will direct their inspector to investigate the matter?


Mr. Purcell entered into an agreement under the Irish Land Act, 1903, to purchase his holding at Newtown. It contains 123 acres and 2 perches, and the former rent was £111 2s. The price was £2,698, of which Mr. Purcell lodged £444 in cash and the balance £2,254 was advanced by the Commissioners, and the holding vested in him subject to a land purchase annuity of £73 5s. 2d. The Commissioners will not make any payment to Mr. Purcell to surrender the lands, and have decided to take no action in reference to the reinstatement of John Power, or the representatives of John Sullivan. The reply to the last paragraph of the question is in the negative.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have received a resolution from the Grange branch of the United Irish League, county Waterford, calling attention to the fact that the Commissioners recently purchased 127 acres of the untenanted lands on the estate of Mr. Fuge, at Glencorrin, county Waterford, and allowed him to retain 150 acres, being the choice portion of the lands, while the land purchased is scrubby and very difficult of access; whether he is aware that the 150 acres retained consist entirely of land from which tenants were evicted, though described by Mr. Fuge as demesne; and whether the Estates Commissioners will reopen negotiations with Mr. Fuge, and, if necessary, apply their compulsory powers to purchase the 15 acres, which is much needed for evicted tenants and small holders?


The Estates Commissioners have received the resolution referred to. The owner has offered 121 acres of untenanted land to the Commissioners for purposes of distribution, and has accepted their formal proposal to purchase. He also proposes to sell 154 acres of demesne land to the Commisioners for repurchase by him under Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and has accepted the Commissioners estimated prices for these lands. The Commissioners are not aware that this demesne consists of evicted holdings, and see no reason to alter their decision to allow Mr. Fuge to repurchase his demesne.


asked whether, in the case of the Edgeworth estate, county Longford, any inspection has yet been ordered, or when the estate may be reached in its order of priority?


If the hon. Member refers to the estate of Mr. A. E. Edgeworth, D. L. Edgeworthstown, county Longford, it has not been reached in order of priority, and having regard to the prior claims of other estates the Estates Commissioners are not at present in a position to say when its turn will be reached.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that John Molloghan, of Dernacross, county Longford, has been deprived of the passway to his bog by reason of the fact that, after the agreements for sale of the Maconchy estate were signed, the landlord resold portions of the bog to other persons regardless of his right of pass, which sale was subsequently sanctioned by the Land Commission, as a result of which Molloghan has been deprived of his bog without compensation; and whether under these circumstances he will request the Estates Commissioners to direct that Molloghan will be compensated for the loss he has suffered in this transaction?


The holding of John Mollohan, of Derrynacross, was vested in him on 12th March, 1908, in accordance with the terms of his purchase agreement. No right of way is referred to in the purchase agreement, but if the holding had a right of way appurtenant to it prior to purchase such right of way is still appurtenant to the lands. The bog was sold by the vendor to trustees for the benefit of the tenants, and if Molloghan has any grievance he should communicate with the trustees. The Estates Commissioners have no power to compensate him for any loss he may have sustained owing to any action of the trustees.


asked whether Lord Ardilaun has offered to sell his property in the Clonbar and Cong districts of county Galway to the Congested Districts Board; if not, whether, in view of the fact that the tenants on these properties are anxious that sales should be effected, the Congested Districts Board will communicate with Lord Ardilaun to ascertain his Lordship's intentions in this respect; and whether he will state if other estates in this neighbourhood are about to be purchased, and, if so, which?


The reply to the first paragraph of the question is in the negative. The Congested Districts Board will ask the owner if he is willing to sell any of his lands in the district. The Board have purchased the estate of Dr. Boyd, and are at once making an offer for the estate of Mr. O'Kelly in the district.


asked whether any progress has yet been made with the vesting of the Thompson estate, Clonfin, county Longford; whether any survey or inspection of the untenanted lands offered for sale by the landlord has yet been made; and, if not, when steps will be taken for the division of these lands?


The Estates Commissioners hope to be in a position to deal with this estate during the present financial year, 1911–12.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland if he will state the reasons which guided his decision to withdraw his offer to purchase 490 acres of the Douglas estate for the benefit of the evicted tenants or their descendants in county Longford; whether he is aware that the landlord has now let on the English system to ten persons these lands, thereby shutting out the evicted tenants from any hope of relief in that direction; and whether, before these tenants enter into possession, he will revive the application to acquire these lands compulsorily, as was originally intended?


The Estates Commissioners gazetted these lands under the Evicted Tenants Act with a view to compulsory acquirement, but after inquiry they decided to discontinue the proceedings. There are now only three county Longford evicted tenants, none of whom were evicted from the Douglas estate, who have been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land, and who have not yet been provided with holdings; and in the case of two of these tenants proceedings are pending for the sale of their former holdings on the King-Harman estate to the Commissioners.


asked when the farm known as Chaldramoran, adjacent to Ballyroddy, Elphin, will be divided among the small land holders of the district, with a view to removing the congestion that at present exists?


The Congested Districts Board cannot yet fix a date for the final settlement of the Chaldramoran farm, but no unnecessary delay will occur.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he is now in a position to state the progress of negotiations for the sale of the Westby estate, Kilballyowen, West Clare; and whether due regard will be paid to the exclusive claims of uneconomic holders in the distribution of the estate?


I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave on 22nd February to the question on this subject addressed to me by the hon. Member.


asked when a final settlement may be expected of the proceeds of the sale to the tenants of the estate of the late James McSheffry, Esq., J.P., Drumaville, Malin, county Donegal; and what is the cause of such prolonged delay?


The Land Commission inform me that the purchase money of the estate referred to was advanced by the Estates Commissioners on 5th January last, when it was paid into Court to the credit of the matter. The title to the purchase money has been examined and the notices to claimants issued, and the case-will be listed before the Judicial Commissioner on the 24th instant for allocation of the funds.