HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 c2179W

asked the hon. Member for Southampton, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether there is a precise idea in existence at the moment as to the purpose for which the large new Government offices now being built are being erected; what is the estimated cost of the buildings; from what source is the money to be found; and whether the plans of all the buildings to be erected in the neighbourhood of St. James's Park and Great George Street can be exhibited in the Tea Room of the House?


The question as to which of the several departments requiring accommodation shall be installed in this building is still under discussion. The cost of the building is estimated not to exceed £600,000. A sum applied to the purpose under Section 9 of the Finance Act, 1908 (8 Ed. VII., cap. 16.). The First Commissioner will be happy to exhibit a plan of this building in the Tea Room; he is not aware of any proposal to erect other buildings in the neighbourhood of St. James s Park and Great George Street.