HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 cc2176-7W

asked the Lord Advocate whether his attention has been called to a resolution, recently passed at the annual meeting of the Caithness Fishermen's Association, expressing regret that the Fishery Board for Scotland had not been reconstituted on a more representative and satisfactory basis; their disappointment that no representative of the fishing industry from the North of Scotland had been appointed to the Board, and their view that the Fishery Board should be reconstituted on the footing that Scotland should be divided into fishery districts, each of which should elect its own representative; and whether he proposes to take any action to secure the ends desired by the association referred to?


I have no information in regard to the resolution referred to beyond what is contained in my hon. Friend's question. In reconstituting the Board in terms of the existing statute due attention was given to the claims of the various sea fishing interests of Scotland, including those for which ray hon. Friend speaks. Any such reconstitution as is suggested would require legislation which is not at present in contemplation.


asked whether a Report has been made by the Fishery Board on the North Sea Fisheries Exhibition at Yarmouth last November?


A Report was made to the Fishery Board for Scotland on fishing-boat motor engines, etc., by the Marine Superintendent to the Board, who, in accordance with instructions, had visited the North Sea Fisheries Exhibition at Yarmouth. The Report is now on sale through the Stationery Office.