HC Deb 29 March 1910 vol 15 c1288W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he was aware that in June, 1907, it was stated in this House that plans for the permanent enlargement of the South-Eastern District Office were already prepared, and that in August, 1909, it was further stated that the adjoining premises were merely being used for temporary purposes; and would he say if the plans had been pigeon-holed, or could it be stated when building operations would be commenced?


further asked whether the right hon. Gentleman had received any complaints from the public as to the condition of the temporary premises attached to the South-Eastern District Office; whether he was aware that the accommodation in the sorting office is so limited as to be quite dangerous during the evening duty; was he aware that the height from floor to ceiling of the temporary sorting office is little more than eight feet, and that the staff suffer discomfort and distress during the hot weather; that the retiring rooms are dark underground places necessitating the use of artificial light all day; and did he know that the refreshment bar and dining rooms are accommodated in what were, until about two years ago, sheds in which furniture was manufactured?


I am aware that portions of the South-Eastern District Office are not wholly satisfactory, but I have had no complaints recently on the subject from the public or from the staff, who, I am informed, greatly appreciate recent improvements in the dining-rooms. Financial exigencies have unfortunately led to delay in commencing building operations, but I hope that this will be possible during the course of the next financial year.