HC Deb 23 March 1910 vol 15 c1140W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he can state what is the difference in the terms of the contract entered into by the Kaffirs employed in the Rand mines as compared with the Chinese; how long do they contract for; are they confined to the compounds and only allowed out on a pass; what is the usual duration of their day's work, and how does it compare with that of the Chinese; what wages are they paid, and are these higher or lower than the wages paid to the Chinese; what is the general condition of the compounds; and is it better or worse in the matter of sanitation and general accommodation for the Kaffirs than it was for the Chinese?

Colonel SEELY:

I do not think that I can add anything to the answer which I returned to my hon. Friend on the 15th and to the questions on the subject addressed to me on Monday. The supervision of native labour, as I then pointed out, is a matter for the Transvaal Government, in whose hands it may safely be allowed to rest.