HC Deb 17 March 1910 vol 15 c648W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether any orders have been issued by the Board of Agriculture directing an abatement from the civil pay assigned to any post or class of post under the Board of Agriculture on the ground that the occupant was in receipt of an Army pension earned in a non-commissioned rank; if so, the date when such order or orders were issued.; and whether they were issued with the approval or under the direction of the Treasury or on the authority of the Board of Agriculture alone?


In the case of the ex-Royal Engineer civil assistants of the Ordnance Survey (who are, no doubt, the class which the hon. Member has in mind) the civil pay is fixed with reference to the fact that the recipient has a military pension. This arrangement is well known and of very long standing, but no formal order by the Board or the Treasury prescribing it can be traced.