HC Deb 14 March 1910 vol 15 cc161-2W

asked the Chief Secretary if his attention had been called to the recent cases of cattle-driving near Drumraney, South-west Meath, from lands in the hands of the Estates Commissioners; if he is aware that the local branch of the United Irish League have denounced those acts; and whether, in view of these outrages following so quickly on the firing of shots for the alleged purpose of intimidation on 8th October last, he will have an inquiry held so as to afford an opportunity of showing who are the authors and instigators of these illegal acts?


The constabulary authorities are satisfied that there was no cattle drive on the occasion referred to, and that the firing of the shots in October last was not an outrage but a mere act of wantonness. There is nothing in these matters calling for a special inquiry.