HC Deb 10 March 1910 vol 14 c1772W

asked whether the Glasgow Labour Exchange is to be called upon to do the work for the neighbouring burghs of Govan and Partick; and, if not, when the exchanges will be opened in these two places?


The Board of Trade propose to establish Labour Exchanges at Govan and at Partick during the course of the present year, but I am not yet in a position to say upon what date these exchanges will be ready to commence operations. In the meanwhile, persons living at Govan and Partick desiring to register at a Labour Exchange should communicate either personally or by post with the Glasgow Exchange, of which the address is 13, Carlton Place.


asked whether, under the Labour Exchanges special rules for juvenile applicants, he will be able to ensure due representation for all classes of teachers and schools on the special advisory committees?


I am not at present able to do more than to refer my hon. Friend to Section (2) Sub-section (1), of the special rules with regard to the registration of juvenile applicants, which makes provision for the representation on the special advisory committees for juvenile employment of persons possessing experience or knowledge of education or of other conditions affecting young persons