HC Deb 29 June 1910 vol 18 c1080W

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that, up to 4th May last, sixty-one accidents, fatal and otherwise, had occurred at Messrs. Waring White's building job at the Automobile Club, Pall Mall, and at the alterations that are taking place at the British Museum twenty-nine accidents have occurred; and if he is prepared to appoint practical building inspectors with a view to minimising the number of accidents that take place at building jobs in different parts of the country?


The importable accidents known to the Department which have occurred on the building operations for the Automobile Club down to the middle of the month have been thirty, of which one was fatal, eight were severe, and the rest slight. The numbers employed have risen from 190 last October to 565 at the present time. The number of report-able accidents known to the Department on the British Museum extension have been six, of which five were severe. In almost all cases the accidents were due to causes not covered by any statutory provisions of the existing law. The question of building accidents has been considered by a Departmental Committee, and a Bill has been introduced during the last two Sessions which would enable the Department to carry out the recommendations of the Committee, and would also make provision for the inspection of building operations. I am afraid that until the Bill passes the Department cannot do more than is being done at present, but I have given instructions for special attention to be paid to the Automobile Club Buildings.