HC Deb 27 June 1910 vol 18 c805W

asked on what grounds the Land Commission, when fixing fair rents on the Horace Stafford O'Brien state at Cappamore, county Limerick, thought it just to raise the old rents there; have any instructions been recently given by them to raise rent in all cases; whether, as the result of the action of the Land Commission Court, the tenants sought for a purchase from their landlord, with the only result that writs have been served on every single one of them; and, in view of the wrong inflicted on them, both by the landlord and his abettors, will steps be taken to see that no assistance be given by the Government to the landlord in dealing with difficulties with his tenants?


Applications to fix fair rents are heard by the Court of the Land Commission in open court, and are decided judicially in accordance with the Land Law. No instructions have at any time been issued in reference to the amount of judicial rent to be fixed. The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension in stating that writs have been served on all the tenants.