§ Viscount CASTLEREAGHasked the Home Secretary whether he can give for each licensing area in the county of Kent, including that portion of the county which is in the Metropolitan area, and for each year since 1904, the figures showing the number of liquor licences of all kinds, the population of each area, the number of licences the renewals of which were refused under the provisions of the Licensing Act, 1904, and the amount paid in compensation?
§ Mr. CHURCHILLAll the information desired is to be found in the annual volumes of licensing statistics, and I must refer the Noble Lord to those volumes. The number of liquor licences is given in Table I., columns 2 to 9; the population in Table I., column 19, and the number of licences the renewal of which has been refused under the Licensing Act, 1904, with the amount paid in compensation, in Table II. (A) and (B).