HC Deb 08 June 1910 vol 17 cc883-4W
Captain CLIVE

asked the Secretary to the Treasury why the books of the Lettera Agricultural Bank have not been audited for the last four years, and what steps are being taken to have them produced; how many similar banks in Ireland have not had their accounts audited for two years or more; and if he will urge upon the Assistant-Registrar of Friendly Societies in Ireland the desirability of a regular audit of these accounts?


The efforts of the Assistant-Registrar for Ireland having failed to secure the annual return of the Lettera Agricultural Bank, proceedings were instituted this year, and on 17th March last, a conviction was obtained. The number of agricultural banks, including credit societies, which are in arrear with their annual returns for two years or more, is approximately 100, by far the greater number of which consist of societies which have never done business. Every effort is made to secure the returns under the Act, where this can be done without too great expense. In the Lettera case the expenses to the Department, after giving credit for the £1 costs allowed, amount to over £20.