HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 c2643W

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to the decision of the magistrates at the Clonsalee petty sessions on 8th July, Mr. Dunsterville, resident magistrate, presiding, dismissing three applications for school attendance orders at the suit of the Mountmellick district school attendance committee, on the grounds that such cases can only be brought at the end of each half-year, namely, 30th June and 31st December; and whether, in view of the usual petty sessions and police-court procedure under the Compulsory School Attendance Act of 1892, he will say whether he proposes to take any and, if any, what action in this matter?


I have no power to interfere with the judicial decisions of magistrates. The usual legal remedies are, I presume, open to any parties who consider themselves aggrieved by the decision referred to.