HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 c2672W

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that there has been grave neglect of duty on the part of Inspector Dew in not having the Hilldrop Crescent house watched after the 30th June and in not having the movements of the man Crippen under observation after the interview he had with him; if he is aware that if the movements of Crippen had been shadowed in the same manner as those of the Russian Social Democrats whilst they were in London during last year it would have been impossible for him to have left the country; and if he intends taking action in the matter?


I have already intimated to the hon. Member that, at the present time, it would not, in my opinion, serve the interests of justice to discuss the points raised. Meanwhile I do not think it fair to make a charge of dereliction of duty against a police official who, by reason of his being engaged on special duty abroad, is not in a position to make any answer.