HC Deb 28 July 1910 vol 19 c2513W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will state the number of supervisors, officers, and assistants of Excise actually employed on 1st January, 1910, with the corresponding numbers actually employed at the present time; and whether he will take immediate steps, in view of the amount of overwork in the Department, to bring the number of officials employed in the outdoor department at least in correspondence to that provided for by the Estimates?


The number of supervisors, officers and assistants of Excise actually employed on 1st January, 1910, was 3,211. The number actually employed at the present time is 3,150, but there are in addition fifty-one Customs assistants temporarily employed on Excise work. Two hundred new recruits are being taken on from the recent examination, and steps are being taken to afford assistance where the pressure of work appears to justify it.