HC Deb 27 July 1910 vol 19 c2301W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he is aware that clerks in the offices of collectors of Customs and Excise in the Excise Department must give such attendance as is necessary to perform the business of the office; that this Regulation in times of pressure such as the present involves much attendance in excess of a fair day's work, while the duties performed are of an onerous and responsible character involving the receipt of and accounting for large sums of money; and whether he will see that these clerks are placed on an equality with other clerks in the Civil Service, and are paid for overtime necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties?


It is the fact that clerks in the offices of collectors of Customs and Excise in the Excise Department must give such attendance as is necessary to perform the business of the office. Their attendance ordinarily averages rather more than seven hours a day. In regard to the remaining points in the question, I must refer the hon. Gentleman to the reply I gave him on the 30th ultimo.