§ Mr. FLAVINasked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he can state the total number of applications received from evicted tenants, or the representatives of evicted tenants, for reinstatement in holdings in the county of Kerry; how many of these have been approved of; how many have been reinstated in holdings; and how many now remain who have been noted for holdings but who have not got them?
§ Mr. BIRRELL1,053 applications from evicted tenants or their representatives for reinstatement in holdings in county Kerry formerly occupied by them have been received by the Estates Commissioners. After inquiry the Commissioners decided in 528 cases to take no action, 314 appli- 1603W cants have been reinstated in their former holdings or provided with holdings elsewhere, and seventy-six others have been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land to be acquired by the Commissioners.
§ Mr. HACKETTasked whether the Estates Commissioners have received an application from John Stapleton, who was evicted from a farm on the townland of Carnahalla, Cappawhite, county Tipperary; whether John Stapleton's name is on their list as deserving of a farm; and whether the Estates Commissioners propose providing a holding for him on the untenanted land in the district which is upon their hands?
§ Mr. BIRRELLStapleton's application for reinstatement was not lodged before 1st May, 1907. It cannot, therefore, be dealt with under the Evicted Tenants Act. His case will be considered when the Estates Commissioners are dealing with the estate in order of priority.