HC Deb 11 July 1910 vol 19 c160W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the action of the Stourbridge Urban District Council in advertising an order, dated 16th February, 1910, declaring certain provisions of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1907, to be in force in the urban district of Stourbridge, in a newspaper printed and published in another town, and without the circulation in the district possessed by a newspaper printed and published in Stourbridge; and, seeing that it is the duty of the local authority, in issuing such orders, to bring them to the notice of the ratepayers in the district affected in the most effective manner, whether he proposes to take any steps in this and similar cases, with the object of reminding local authorities of the necessity of securing the greatest possible publicity for their orders, in the interests of the persons whom they affect?


My attention was called to this matter. The Order referred to is required to be published by advertising it once at least in one or more of the newspapers circulating in the district, and this, I understand, was done. I do not think it necessary to take any further steps in the matter.