Sir THOMAS BRAMSDONasked the Secretary to the Admiralty what is being done by the Government for the widows, orphans, and dependants of the men of the Mercantile Marine Service who have lost their lives whilst on war service; and if these widows, orphans, and dependants can be placed on the same pensions and awards as given to other naval ratings?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThe widows, orphans, and dependants of Mercantile Marine ratings employed by the Admiralty who signed agreements to serve under the Naval Discipline Act for the duration of the War, are granted the same benefits as those accorded to the widows, orphans, and dependants of naval ratings. In other cases, awards are made on the scales provided under the scheme framed by Order in Council under the Injuries in War (Compensation) Act, 1914.
The dependants of Mercantile Marine Service men in the service and pay of the owners of the vessels on which they served have been granted awards under the Injuries in War Compensation Scheme administered through the appropriate war risks associations acting under the directions of the Board of Trade, which Department would consider any variations deemed advisable in the existing scales laid down in the scheme.