§ Mr. HOHLERasked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he is aware that a qualified engineer, who had applied for work through the Rochester Labour Exchange, was offered by the Superintendent Civil Engineer, Admiralty Harbour Works Division, Dover, the post of assistant engineer to a dredger, at the wages of 35s. per week of seven days, of twelve hours each day, although the trade union rate of wages for such work at Chatham is 38s. per week of not more than 54 hours, and at Dover 36s. per week for engineers working either in shop or on ship, and proportionately higher for a dredger; whether such an offer is in accordance with the undertaking given to the House in regard to wages to be paid to Government employés; and, if 767W not, will he take steps to ensure the payment of the current trade union rate of wages in the future?
§ Mr. McKENNAI am not aware of the facts alleged in the question, and will cause inquiry to be made into the matter.