HC Deb 27 April 1910 vol 17 c617W

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that the Catholic population of the county Kilkenny at the last Census was 74,830, and those of the population who were not returned as Catholics were 4,329; whether out of a total of about 155 magistrates eighty are supposed to be Protestants; whether the resident magistrate is also a Protestant; and whether, owing to a feeling of distrust and disappointment existing amongst the people of the county by reason of this inequality, he will, in the event of the names of a small number of Catholic gentleman who may possess the necessary qualifications being submitted to the Lord Chancellor, recommend that they may re appointed?


The figures in the first part of the question appear to be correctly quoted from the Census Tables of 1901. As regards the number of magistrates in the county and their religions, I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to a question asked by the hon. Member for South Kilkenny on 13th instant. The Lord Chancellor is not aware of any feeling of distrust or disappointment in the county such as is mentioned in the question, and no representations on the subject have been made to him. He has always been ready to consider the name of any properly qualified person that may be brought before him. I have no authority to make recommendations to him on the subject of the county magistracy.